Za 2025. godinu
Za 2025. godinu
Za 2024. godinu
Deadline for submission of bids
Tender title: Works on the replacement of part of the equipment of the medical block with reconstruction for the project RE-TREAD
Ref. no. HR-RS00005-2/works
Date: 16.12.2024.
Deadline: 16.01.2025. Potential tenderers can request tender documentation via email
Deadline for submission of bids
Za 2023. godinu
Deadline for submission of bids
Za 2022. godinu
Za 2021. godinu
Za 2020. godinu
Za 2019. godinu
31.01.2020. do 10 časova
Deadline for submission of bids
21.06.2019. do 7 časova
Za 2018. godinu
Deadline for submission of bids
Za 2017. godinu
Modern age brings stress and nervousness
Give yourself and your dear person a break
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